Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Elite

e⋅lite/ [i-leet, ey-leet] –noun
1. (often used with a plural verb ) the choice or best of anything considered collectively, as of a group or class of persons.
2. (used with a plural verb ) persons of the highest class: Only the elite were there.
3. a group of persons exercising the major share of authority or influence within a larger group: the power elite of a major political party.

Elitist make little to no sense to me. I understand the draw of feeling “better than” or a part of something special. But I do not understand how you can manifest that into belittling someone else.

I see Orlando as a cesspool of elitists. They run around town with their noses in the air as if they know a flood is coming and they don’t want to drown. They see you out, and though they may have known you 6 years ago, they are now too important to talk to you. Instead they turn a cheek and carry on in their “Oh so very important” conversation. I often wonder what they think is so great about themselves to behave in such a fashion.

It’s not like I haven’t been a part of a group and felt a special bond to it. I’m gay, a woman, and grew up in a southern Baptist home around the mountains of Kentucky. I had my sister, who is also gay, but we were nothing alike and didn’t really get along. I clung to my identity early on. Held it close and thought no one understood. When I found others that were like me, understood me, believed the way I did I fell into an idea of being someone on the inside. I thought that my group of friends held a secret that the outside world was too clueless to get. But then I grew up. I realized that there are millions of other gays out there; that my group of friends was special, but only because they were special to me. We had no life altering secret, and that I was like anyone else. I had simply thought myself grandiose and needed to stop. So, I did. It was easy! So why then is it so hard to everyone else to get it. Elitism get’s you nothing but enemies. It starts wars and ends lives when blown out of proportion.

- Artists, stop thinking that your art will change the world. It probably won’t. Just create for yourself, and know that that is enough.

- Dude bros, your fraternity is not that cool, and no one cares how much beer you can take in a beer bong. Stop putting on a show. That slutty drunk girl you’ve been eying all night would sleep with a monkey right about now. You shouldn’t have any problem getting in.

- Slutty drunk girls, stop drinking!!! You’ve already had a couple of abortions and the lady at the clinic is threatening to cut you off of “morning-after” pills. When you look back at your life do you really not want to be able to remember anything because you blacked out too much? I take that back, you’ll remember the shame of waking up every Sunday morning hugging the toilet in some dude bro’s bathroom.

- Hipsters, you are not original. I’m admittedly one of you, but I know that when I go out about 15 other girls are going to be dressed just like me. I also know that though it sucks for my favorite bands to be on MTV, they wouldn’t be there if they didn’t want to be. So I live with it and move on. When I hear a 6 year old singing M.I.A. I feel a tinge of regret but remember to be happy that the kid at least has good taste.

- Hardcore kids/ straight-edge kids… Hardcore is not my style. I get it helps some kids and they love it, but it by no means gives them the right to be assholes, which in my history they sometimes are. So I don’t listen to your music. Sorry, I don’t find some guy screaming that enjoyable. The ability to be straight-edge is something I admire. However, do not judge me for drinking. I never made a promise not to do so, nor did I promise not to smoke or have sex. If you did, awesome! But I'd like to get a vodka and red bull now.

- Bike kids, the new man on the block, at least here in Orlando. You have taken over my once car ridden town and turned it into an earth-loving hippie community. Now, I am a self-professed hippie in many rights. I go to protests, was in the Conservation Club, and often wore Birkenstocks and hemp jewelry. However, bike kids are more into what kind of bike they ride and less into why it’s great that so many people are riding instead of driving. I don’t care if you ride a fixed or single speed. I don’t care how long you worked on it or what you paid for it. I just want you to stop pulling out in front of me on Orange Ave and to stop chaining your bikes up on the sidewalk outside of BBQ Bar so that my drunk ass can’t get to the car I shouldn’t be driving in the first place.

(EDIT: Certain parts of this post have been edited as they were misunderstood. For that I am sorry. It's never my intention to hurt others. I have friends that either used to fit or still fit into all of these catagories. My statements are generalizations, not geared toward the individual. I know there are amazing and kind people in all facets of life. Remember, 9/10ths of what I say is a joke. So laugh it out and have fun. If you can't laugh at yourself you shouldn't laugh at all. Also, it's my blog and my opinions, so too bad! ;])


Anonymous said...

WE DEMAND CHANGE - back to the old post!

Anonymous said...

Nope. It will stay as is... Sometimes my big mouth get's me in trouble. At least with this I can edit what I say later on.