Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Late Inspirations

So I want these inspiration installments to be a weekly thing and I'm already late posting. Maybe I'm just a really bad blogger. I'm sure Haley would agree since she's always telling me I need to post more.

But back to the matter at hand...I love this type of photography. It kills me that they have canceled production of Polaroid film thanks to low sales. But I've seen a resurgence in postings of this instant film classic, so hopefully it will be able to stick around for a little while longer.

And one that I couldn't post on here; I guess they blocked it. But you really should check it out over at flickr.

Anyway, that's it for now. Go over to Polanoid if you're in need of some more polaroid fun. But let's be honest, Haley's the only one that reads this. That's why she's the only one that tells me to post more...

(Photo Credit: polanoid, greffy, osquibb, roostercoupon, tnhrocker301)


haleyXvader said...

I think it's safe to say we blog for each other.

Anonymous said...

Sad, but true...