Friday, February 19, 2010

Support the Troops

I bought my standard two boxes of Girl Scout cookies yesterday; one box samoas, one box thin mints. It's the same every year. Both are favorites, but samoas have a slight edge. I freeze both boxes, snacking throughout the remainder of the year until the next cookie season. I left my cookies at home today thinking I could last 8 hours before finally tearing open one of the boxes to have that first sweet cookie. Then I saw this on TasteSpotting...
That's a plate of homemade samoas. Fuck, I want my cookies so bad right now. I'm tempted to hunt down a small girl in a green jumper and beg that she give me just one cookie. Maybe if I pretend I'm terminally ill she'll feel bad and give me one. Or I could just wait until I get home, but that's so haaarrrrd...

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