Does anyone else remember this guy from elementary school lunches?
This was perhaps the best part of my life as a 5th grader... Mexican Pizza. Well that and being in choir AND being a safety patrol officer; because those are like the two coolest things a kid can be in their younger years. Or more likely, the dorkiest, but I digress.
These pizzas were amazing! I can remember exactly how they tasted, but have yet to find anything like it. I know they still serve them at schools, so maybe I should just get a job as a teacher so I can scarf these down every Monday. Am I alone in my love of octagonal pizza?
Today I'll be dreaming of eating this pizza with a bag, yes a bag, of chocolate milk while I talk to my best friends about why the Yellow Ranger is so much better than the rest and how grody boys are.
Whatevs, Green Ranger forever.
holyfuckingshit, i've dreamt of these things for ages, i've described them to people who look at me like i'm a fucking nutjob and now you post a picture of one and i want to eat the computer screen, god damn those things were good and if i ever stumble upon them again i'm afraid of how many i'd eat.
Yes to this.
Also, I wanted to email you the other day but could not remember your email and could not locate you on any of those social networking things I used to be able to catch you on from time to time. I wanted to continue our conversation from a month or two ago. We have much to catch up on. I caught up on your blog (and the posts after this), but I still want to talk to you. I got a new phone and don't have any numbers either, so you'll have to contact me.
Well "have to"...if you want.
--Christina M. W.
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