A little while ago I lived in this nice little house on Parkland Dr. Now, 8 months after I said my goodbyes to that place, someone else has moved in. And what does this mean for me, why is it a big deal? Well, that house was a part of my life; a much bigger part than I thought it would be at the time. I made friends in that house. I fell in love in that house. I learned to cook in that house.
Parkland was the first house I lived in after I moved out of my parent’s. I had maintained residence in many of an apartment, but Parkland was a house. A REAL FUCKING HOUSE!!! It had two living rooms, a separate kitchen, and best of all a huge back yard with orange trees that scented the air on warm days. It felt like a home. It was a place that I longed to get back to after a day at work.
It also marked the first time I was really making it on my own. I’ve worked since I was 14, and have always made my own way. But my parents were always there to bail me out when I was less than prepared come bill time. At Parkland though, I was able to pay my own way. It was great being able to call my dad and know that I wasn’t just calling to ask for money.
The Parkland house had its drawbacks. It was old and dirty. The plumbing clogged up, the windows let in a constant breeze, bugs resided in the air vents, and every door was used as an entry way by the roaches of the neighborhood. My roommates rarely cleaned. The kitchen was far too small. And a certain dog that slept on the couch made my life hell every other day.
But for all of the negatives, there were equal positives. After 2 years of being heartbroken over my ex, I finally found peace while living at Parkland. I decided to stop being scared and entered a relationship. I was never lonely or able to live in my head, as I often do, thanks to my roommates. Rebecca taught me to care, really care, about the loved ones in my life. Samantha taught me what comfortable silence is. Jess taught me why I’ll never hang an ugly tapestry. Jeremy taught me to laugh at crazy people, even when they’re someone you love. Friends came and went. Parties were had. Life went on…
I got a kitten while living at Parkland. I bought a bike and then wrecked that bike while living at Parkland. I got sick, I laughed, I cried… All while living at the house on Parkland Dr. And out, buried under a tree in the back yard, I laid to rest my hamster Joey in a Chinese take-out box using a plastic kitchen spoon as a shovel and a candle for light. I’ll never forget Parkland, but I say my goodbyes now knowing that the portion of my life I had there is gone.
So goodbye Parkland! I’ll miss you!
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