Monday, December 14, 2009

Strung Out

This is my grandmother looking utterly trashed. She normally doesn't look like this, I think she was just caught off guard by my sister who was taking the picture. But either way she looks massively out of it.

Which made me think of this...

That my friends is a picture of me completely out of it. Notice the glazed over eyes. The slight twinkle in the expression saying, "I have to pee." The wavy sweaty hair of a girl that's been standing outside in the Florida heat for way too long. Anyway, to say it bluntly, this is me wasted.

But beyond this, what makes me think of this picture when I see the one above of my dear grandmother? The wrinkles... Look at those crows feet that are starting under my eyes. As stoked as I am on getting puffy veins as I age, I'm equally unstoked on getting wrinkles. FML guys. FML...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Recent Obsessions

1. I've been obsessed with pho as of late. I'm trying to loose weight, and homemade pho is a great way to fill up without taking in too many unwanted calories; Vegetarian and lots of spinach and mushrooms. Plus it's fucking delicious!

2. Solitaire is owning my soul. I still suck at it, but I can't seem to stop myself from playing. I really need for things to pick back up at work so I can stop.
3. I keep cracking my knuckles lately. It's a gross habit, I know. But it just feels so good...
4. Straight people have gay crushes. Gay people have straight crushes. This is mine for the time being. And yes, it's all Twilight's fault.
5. I forgot how good this can feel. Let's just hope I make it past chapter 3. I have enough barely started musings sitting on my desktop already.
6. I cannot, I will not, stop listening to The Avett Brothers new album. I recommend you get it if you have not already.

That my dear friends is my life for the past few months in a nutshell. Besides fixing up those tables, which I promise to post about soon, and catching up with old friends, life has been somewhat boring; Enough so that craking knuckles is an appropriate thing to post about. Though I will say that seeing some of my old friends has made me rather nostalgic as of late. But that is a whole other post that hopefully, when I'm a little less consumed by the effects, I will tell you all about.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Some things you may or may not know about me...

1. I suck at Solitaire. Really, I fucking stink at it. I might win one out of every 15 games, but I still keep trying.
2. I love folk/alt. country music, but I rarely listen to it in front of other people because most people I hang out with don't.
3. If someone moves away, I think of the person as if they had died. I'm still not sure if this makes it easier or harder.
4. I'm overly stubborn, but I hate fighting so I'll eventually give in. But I'll still steam about you being wrong for days to come.
5. I like really salty food. If it's not salty, it has no flavor.
6. I take comfort in the repetative. I'll tap off beats in rhythm for hours before I realize what I'm doing. Toe, toe, thumb, toe...
7. I miss the desks at my highschool because I haven't been able to really crack my back since I graduated.
8. I'm terrified of growing old.
9. The world I create inside my mind is better than what I see in front of me. So I prefer to live in my head most days.
10. I hate bread.
11. I play with tape all day long at work.
12. I'm always cold. Always...
13. I'm always worried I'm going to fall down stairs. So I never look up when I'm walking down them. I think I'd loose my balance if I did.
14. I like reading every billboard I pass while driving.
15. I like corny romance movies and novels.
16. I like the smell of skunks and gasoline.
17. I grind my teeth when I'm sleeping.
18. I pluck my eybrows on the daily.
19. I love making lists and organizing.
20. When I get bored I tend to get angry.
21. I always get something stuck in my teeth after eating.
22. I hate my back.
23. Whenever I make a phone call I get really nervous.
24. When I was 12 I dreamed about being 20. Now that I'm 24, I dream about being 12.
25. I take most things for granted until they're gone.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

It's hot again...


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Oprah Can Suck Balls

Fuck this preview. It made me cry at work. Stupid fucking sad...

Will not be seeing. I don't think I could handle the full movie. The trailer alone made me feel like crawling in bed for 3 days and eating nothing but chicken noodle soup and ice cream. Fuck you, Oprah, for always producing movies that make people want to die of sadness.

This better have a happy ending.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cool Runnings

Finally, after months and months of blistering heat and sky-rocketing humidity the weather has taken a turn for the better. It's a beautiful 70 degrees out and the sky is dotted with white puffy clouds. I live for days like this!

Of course chances are this won't last. As I was reminded today, Florida has a sick sense of humor. Every year she fools us with a few good days before she plunges us back into the pit of hell that is Florida in the summer. But for now I'll take the few days I'm given. Park day this weekend if bi-polar Florida hasn't switched modes by then.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Autumn Love II

It was hot and rainy...

Please get cold soon!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Autumn Love

I miss the cold of Autumn. Leaves changing hue. Steam rising from every vent showing the hot air meeting the cold. The air smells clean. The sky is almost always blue. And though the grass is still green and alive, crunchy leave scatter the ground leaving noises behind each footstep.

It's my favorite time of the year. Every August I start to get anxious, knowing that it's coming. In September I can barely contain myself. I start blasting the AC during my morning drives to work to trick my mind into thinking its Fall for those 15 minutes. Then I step out of my car and the heat of the day fogs my glasses and I instantly feel moist with sweat. It's a letdown for sure, but I trudge on. I start listening to more music that reminds me Autumn. I start wearing more layers and every morning I stare at the jackets and coats in the back of my closet longing for the morning I'll be able to wear them.

Autumn is brief in Florida. If you blink you could miss it. But still every year I bask in the few days of cool weather I'm afforded. One day I'll be in a town where Autumn is really Autumn. Where there are more than palm trees dotting every street, mocking me with their ever present green. One day... For now though, I sit and wait. The first day of Autumn is in exactly one week. I just hope that when I wake up next Tuesday it won't be 90 degrees and rainy like last year.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The pen touches paper.

Too much consumed. I have to let it out. Pull it out. Spill it out, onto paper. Words and letters jumbled together. Streams of verse pouring from my pen. I live in my head? No, I live on paper. Streaming, flowing, growing. Everyday, all day, typing it out in my head. This life is my novel and I'm writing it well. A best seller etched on everyone's faces. My eyes tell the story my mouth never will. Listen closely and they'll tell you the tale. ~9Time via 2008
I wish this was still true. I feel lost in world devoid of creativity. It seems like years since I spent the day by myself writing out verse for no one to hear. I think it's time to quit reality for a while...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Stressed Times at Parkland Dr.

Stress is often a huge part of my life. I try to come off as I don’t care about the happenings around me, that I’m impartial. And for the most part, I have the majority of the people around me fooled. But the truth of the matter, and something I rarely let be known, is that I’m almost always freaking out on the inside. Money, relationships, family, the fact that I ate a Snickers bar for lunch… All of these things travel through my head at random moments leaving me with the anxiety of a kitten in a room full of ravenous wolves. Recently I’ve been spending everyday looking for places to live. I love my roommates, but it’s time for me to move on. Unfortunately, it’s not the right time for my wallet. So I’ve spent innumerable hours searching for 1 bedrooms only to be let down. Now I’m back to searching for 2 bedrooms. Maybe 3 bedrooms are in my future as well, but I hope not. So what does this mean for your fateful heroine?

I’M STRESSED THE FUCK OUT!!!!!!!!!!! I need my own place. I need money to get my own place. I need someone to actually be renting a one bedroom, which apparently they don’t build anymore… And I need to stop eating Snickers bars for lunch.

So I’m taking a break. I’m fighting the urge to look at houses for a couple of days. I need to forget about it for a little while before I freak out and run my car into a pole while out running the streets for a place to live. I’ll talk to my roommates and tell them that I can live with one of them, but not both. I’ll explain that together they are just too messy, and I’m too anal about forward facing soup cans to deal with it. I’ll tell them I love them both, but my OCD can only stand so much. Then I’ll go back to looking for a place to live.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cinco de What?

To all of you out there posting about Cinco de Mayo I ask you this; why? Are you Mexican? Did your family fight in the Battle of Puebla? Do you even know the history of the date beyond the fact that your dad always drank a lot on this day? Probably not... You're most likely just like me. I'm American. My ancestors were too busy fighting on the wrong side of the Civil War to worry about France invading Mexico. And up until my 7th grade Spanish class I thought Cinco de Mayo was a celebration of Mexico's independence. Although to be fair, up until then I also thought Cinco de Mayo was some exotic phrase, not just "the 5th of May." But I digress.

Today is just an excuse Americans have used for far to long to get drunk and look like asses wearing sombreros.

(case in point!)
Will I have a beer today? Most likely. Will I eat Mexican food? I do that on the daily. Will I look like an ass? Unfortunately, I also do this on the daily. So I guess what I'm saying is this; to all of you out there writing about Cinco de Mayo that only know it as a day of getting drunk and eating copious amounts of refried beans, I'm one of you! See you at the bar...

Friday, May 1, 2009

I love boobies

...even blue footed ones.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I have a dream...

But it's a lot different than Martin Luther King's.

I have a dream that one day I'll have my bike in working order. I have a dream that I will buy a cute basket to put on my bike. I have a dream that I'll have a kitten* to put in that basket so that I can drive it around with me on my Sunday errands.

I have a dream... And I think it's a pretty sweet dream.

*I've always been a dog fan myself. But I've recently come to accept that I do not have time for a puppy. And kittens are pretty adorable.

P.S. I'm going this weekend to look at a new fork for my bike as well as kittens for my basket. This dream may come true soon. Here's to hoping!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wasted day? I think not!

I spent the day looking at Cute Overload. I'm now in dire need of the following:
  1. A Puppy
  2. A Kitten
  3. A Bunny
  4. A Hamster
  5. A turtle
  6. A... Well, you get the idea.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday Inspirations

About two months ago I bought an old road bike off of eBay. My plan was simple. Buy an old bike for cheap. Rebuild it for a little money. Start riding to work to save on gas and get some exercise. A good plan... or so I thought.
In two months I have managed to do very little to my bike. And what I have done has nearly destroyed it. I thought I'd paint it myself, so I started sanding it down. I then found out it would look atrocious and I could get it powder coated for a reasonable price. But in that time the sanded parts of my bike started to rust. Yay!
Last week a few people I knew were taking in their bikes to have them powder coated. I decided to finally do my as well. I had to get my bike broken down for the painter. I was taking it in on Friday to have the bottom bracket and headset taken off, parts that require special tools I do not own. Thursday night I took off items I could with my minimal tool kit. In doing so I got my handel bar stem stuck in the fork of my bike. They had to saw it off when I took it into the shop. For those unaware, this is not a good thing. I now have to buy a new fork and head set. I also could not get my bike painted as it was now only half a bike.
Today's inspiration is geared toward keeping me in the right mind set. It would be easy to count my losses and give up. But I'm keeping hope that one day I'll actually be able to ride my bike that for now resides in my Florida room.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Late Inspirations

So I want these inspiration installments to be a weekly thing and I'm already late posting. Maybe I'm just a really bad blogger. I'm sure Haley would agree since she's always telling me I need to post more.

But back to the matter at hand...I love this type of photography. It kills me that they have canceled production of Polaroid film thanks to low sales. But I've seen a resurgence in postings of this instant film classic, so hopefully it will be able to stick around for a little while longer.

And one that I couldn't post on here; I guess they blocked it. But you really should check it out over at flickr.

Anyway, that's it for now. Go over to Polanoid if you're in need of some more polaroid fun. But let's be honest, Haley's the only one that reads this. That's why she's the only one that tells me to post more...

(Photo Credit: polanoid, greffy, osquibb, roostercoupon, tnhrocker301)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Cute Update...

Fuck my life, this is the cutest thing in the world. Here's the story on this little guy. (via ffffound)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday Inspirations

Most Mondays mean madness for me. I need a little extra time to finish things up and I need a little more reason to do them. These things get me going again…

This cute little guy by James Snyder over at National Geographic.

This awesome painting by Frank Gonzales.

Polaroids from ffffound.

Speaking of which, I'll probably do this once Haley gets her polaroid camera. Not a heart though, cause that's gay...

I'll use this over the left side of the bed. Which, oddly enough, is not gay.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

And Everything Was OK!

Yesterday was a crazy fuck-up of a day. And though everything turned out OK, it brought back a lot of memories that I preferred to keep tucked away. To put it lightly, hospital waiting rooms just really aren't for me.

Friday night I got a voicemail from my Aunt Starr telling me I needed to call her immediately. As a woman that can never figure out that she is actually talking to a voicemail recording, this short and coherent message was out of the ordinary. Something was wrong. I debated calling her back. I was on my way downtown for a show and I had plans for the weekend. Did I really want the bad news right then, or could it wait? I called... And preceded to sink to the ground on a back road of downtown. (I do not recommend this as I know all too well of the bodily relieving that takes place on the streets of Orlando.)

My uncle had had a heart attack. He was being life flighted to the Orlando hospital. I needed to go see him as soon as possible.

After some research I found out visiting hours are only until 9 in the ICU, there was nothing I could do that night and I wanted to get my mind off of things. I went to the show. The next day I found out he was on bed rest and wasn't allowed to move at all. It was best for me to wait to see him. I kept with my plans I had made months ago and went out of town for a show in Gainesville. I got back late Sunday and had to work until 5:30 on Monday. When I got off I called my cousin to see if I could stop by. "They kick us out from 6 to 8, then we come back for an hour before they kick us out for good. You won't make it in time to see him. Don't worry..."

So I couldn't see him at all. He was scheduled for a double-bypass on Wednesday; this would be the first time I'd get to see him. When I walked into the room that morning I was surprised to see how awake he was. He looked worse for the wear, but he was ready to get on with his surgery. He also was sporting a newly shaved head; something my cousin gifted him in the middle of the night while he was sleeping. After a group prayer it was out to the waiting room.

My uncle went in at 2:30. We finally got to see him at 6:40. He was still asleep and wouldn't wake until the morning. He's connected to too many tubes and a breathing machine. There are only 30 minute increments of visiting time every few hours per day. I won't be seeing him again until he's home.

Monday, February 16, 2009

"Fidelity": Don't Divorce... from Courage Campaign on Vimeo.

"On December 19, 2008, Ken Starr and the Prop 8 Legal Defense Fund filed legal
briefs defending the constitutionality of Prop 8 and seeking to nullify the
marriages of 18,000 devoted same-sex couples solemnized before Prop 8 passed.
The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in this case on
March 5, with a decision expected within 90 days.

Help fight against inequality. Go here to sign the petition against Prop 8.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I’m sorry for not looking you in the eyes when you were talking to me.
I’m sorry that my text was more important than listening to you.
I’m sorry that when I did look at you, I looked through you.
I’m sorry that when I realized what I was doing and tried to change it I came off as fake.

We get multiple chances everyday to make connections with people. But all too often we are so wrapped up in ourselves that we miss everyone around us. I’m sorry for missing out on you.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Tried downtown this weekend… It still sucked.

This is still the best show on the Food Network... And is also what I watch in my spare time at work.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Long Time, No See

It's been almost 2 months since I've ventured downtown. Tired of the falsehood of it all, I proudly bowed out for a while. But I'm thinking maybe, just maybe, it's time to step back in the ring. Possible testing of the waters this weekend...

Is two months long enough for downtown Bore-lando to change? I doubt it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Scene 1: It’s a Monday morning. Nina has just walked into work. She’s setting up her desk for the work day. Her desk sits at the back of the building in a corner by the elevator to the upstairs offices. There are no visible windows from her station. Her desk wraps all the way around the corner, incasing her. Once seated, it is as though she is in a holding cell at the local prison: trapped for filing a folder wrong. It is start week at the school, so new students are running around looking for rooms that don’t exist. Around the corner comes a familiar face. The first staff member is arriving to the offices.
Staff Member 1: “Morning Nina! How ya’ doing today?”
Nina: “Oh, good morning! I’m doing great, besides it being Monday of course! How about you?”
SM1: (Giggle) “Yeah, about the same. Have a good weekend then?”
Nina: “Yep! Just not long enough. You?”
SM1: “It was pretty good! Sat around and lounged.”
Nina: “The perfect way to spend the weekend then.”
Nina smiles and returns to her work. Staff Member 1 disappears into the elevator on his way upstairs.

Scene 2: Five minutes later. Nina still sitting at her desk. Another staff member rounds the corner.
Staff Member 2: “Morning! How’s it going?”
Nina: “Pretty good. Monday, you know? How about you?”
SM2: (Smiles) “Yeah! How was the weekend?”
Nina: “Too short, but still good! You?”
SM2: “Not bad. Sat around and lounged.”
Nina: “The perfect way to spend the weekend then.”

Scene 3: Three minutes later. Nina STILL sitting at her desk. Another staff member rounds the corner.
Staff Member 3: “Hey Nina! You look bored. (Giggle) How are you?”
Nina: “Good. Monday, you know? You?”
SM3: “Hangin’ in there. Weekend, did you do anything fun?”
Nina: “Just stayed around town. Hung out with some friends. The regular… You?”
SM3: “Worked a little on Saturday, so yeah…”
Nina: (Barely paying attention) “Too bad!”

Scene 4: One minute later. Nina STILL sitting at her desk. Another staff member rounds the corner.
Staff Member 4: “Hey!How are you?”
Nina: “Good. You?”
SM3: (Smiles, totally fake) "How was your weekend?"
Nina: (Exasperated by the conversation)“Not bad.”

Scene 5: 10 seconds later. Nina STILL sitting at her desk. Another staff member rounds the corner. Nina looks up and immediately looks down. It’s the Monday Guy! He walks straight to her desk bypassing the elevator.
Monday Guy: (in a slightly slow southern drawl) “Hey there! You haven’t by any chance seen my coffee mug have you? Its pink with a picture of the cutest kitten on it.”
Nina: “Nope. Did it go missing?”
MG: “Yeah, don’t know where it could have gone. Say! You look down today. Gotta case of the Mondays, huh?”
Nina: (rolling her eyes) “Guess so.”
MG: “I feel so bad for you, sitting back here all by yourself. That’s why I come talk to you.”
Nina: “Oh, I don’t mind it. Really! I kinda like the quiet.”
MG: (Puzzled look) “Well, if you see my mug will you let me know? I’m gonna check around and see if anyone else has seen it.”
Nina shakes her head yes without looking up from her computer. Monday Guy sulks off to the stairwell, stopping everyone he sees. Nina waits for him to disappear from site. Once gone she opens her desk cabinet. Inside sits a pink coffee mug with a white fluffy kitten sitting in a rocking chair. Nina laughs to herself and locks the cabinet back up.
The End

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Alice Electro

Beautiful! I know it's been around a while, but I'm slow sometimes on this whole internet thing.
(Found at: In Shadows...)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Great Words/ Great Card

Saw this Post Secret today. It completely put everything I have had on my mind into perspective. I'm sick of just passing through. We only get a few good years on this rock, so why do we waste it working, worrying and crying.

Life is about getting out there. It's about experiencing as much as you can. It's about loving every day because you did what you wanted to. It's not about "what ifs".

This is something I've been thinking about a lot lately. Two night ago I had this very same conversation over dinner. Today I'm going to start trying to put it into practice. The problem of course, as it always has been and always will be, is money. But fuck it! If Leo could do it, then maybe I can too.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Truths of Youth

A little off topic, but oh well. Indulge me...

1. When I was younger I wanted to be a fireman, a doctor, a baker. Never a mother or wife.

2. As a kid I liked to cut my own hair, resulting in many tears when I loped off my beautiful golden locks leaving me with a bob.

3. I used to collect rolly-pollies in my pockets every day. Sand was procured as habitat for my pocket pets.
a. My mom was used to finding dead rolly-pollies and a hand full of sand in each of my pants on wash day.

4. My sister’s cat Jasper used to sleep above my head every night. One time he rolled over on my face and almost suffocated me in the middle of the night.

5. I nearly lost my front teeth when I was 4 due to a Yoo-hoo bottle and a car door.

6. Figment, Teddy, and my Fisher-Price kitchen were my favorite toys as a child.
a. I still sleep with Teddy every night. But have since lost both Figment and my Fisher-Price kitchen.

7. I lied about having a chemistry lab in my basement when I was in elementary school. My house didn’t even have a basement, and my “lab” was a chemistry set I got for Christmas.

8. I never got to be the pink Power Ranger, but I usually just wanted to be the yellow one anyways.

9. I watched Saturday morning cartoons far past the point I should have stopped.

10. I got my first “F” in fourth grade during my first day at my new school in Florida. I cried even though it didn’t count towards my grade. The experience scarred me for the rest of my educational career.

11. My school in Kentucky begged my parents to wait two months to move to Florida so I could take the standardized test with my class and bring up the schools score. Yes, the town was small enough one student would make a difference. And yes, I was the smartest person in my class.

12. I would pretend I was Little Orphan Annie in my backyard. I also pretended to be an archeologist.

13. I had a jar of arrow heads my grandpa and I found in the field behind his house.

14. I collected locust husks and played with daddy-long-legs while the other girls collected baubles and played with dolls.

15. My first snow man was built on my grandparent’s porch railing. He was a foot tall.

16. I kept a caterpillar in a coffee can. One day it turned into a giant moth. I thought it was magic.

17. My fear of the dentist started after being yelled at for crying while my front teeth were being pulled.

18. My sister saved a snapping turtle once. It was the devil. She also saved a kitten from being taken into the humane society. It was an angel.

19. I still don’t know what happened to my grandparent’s dog after my grandpa died.

20. I yelled at a fireman for spraying water on my great-grandma’s house during a demonstration at school.

21. I always loved snow days until I got stuck in the house for two weeks with my family during a blizzard.

22. I lost my first tooth to a Sugar-Daddy during lunch. My sister would not let me put it under my pillow, so my teeth got put on top of the living room television.

23. Moving back to Florida made all of my body issues reappear. 5, 10 or 20… Age makes no difference when you can’t see yourself correctly.

24. I liked my mom’s boyfriend when I was 5 better than my dad.

25. I was never as cool as I wanted to be. But I was never as dorky as I thought I was.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Elite

e⋅lite/ [i-leet, ey-leet] –noun
1. (often used with a plural verb ) the choice or best of anything considered collectively, as of a group or class of persons.
2. (used with a plural verb ) persons of the highest class: Only the elite were there.
3. a group of persons exercising the major share of authority or influence within a larger group: the power elite of a major political party.

Elitist make little to no sense to me. I understand the draw of feeling “better than” or a part of something special. But I do not understand how you can manifest that into belittling someone else.

I see Orlando as a cesspool of elitists. They run around town with their noses in the air as if they know a flood is coming and they don’t want to drown. They see you out, and though they may have known you 6 years ago, they are now too important to talk to you. Instead they turn a cheek and carry on in their “Oh so very important” conversation. I often wonder what they think is so great about themselves to behave in such a fashion.

It’s not like I haven’t been a part of a group and felt a special bond to it. I’m gay, a woman, and grew up in a southern Baptist home around the mountains of Kentucky. I had my sister, who is also gay, but we were nothing alike and didn’t really get along. I clung to my identity early on. Held it close and thought no one understood. When I found others that were like me, understood me, believed the way I did I fell into an idea of being someone on the inside. I thought that my group of friends held a secret that the outside world was too clueless to get. But then I grew up. I realized that there are millions of other gays out there; that my group of friends was special, but only because they were special to me. We had no life altering secret, and that I was like anyone else. I had simply thought myself grandiose and needed to stop. So, I did. It was easy! So why then is it so hard to everyone else to get it. Elitism get’s you nothing but enemies. It starts wars and ends lives when blown out of proportion.

- Artists, stop thinking that your art will change the world. It probably won’t. Just create for yourself, and know that that is enough.

- Dude bros, your fraternity is not that cool, and no one cares how much beer you can take in a beer bong. Stop putting on a show. That slutty drunk girl you’ve been eying all night would sleep with a monkey right about now. You shouldn’t have any problem getting in.

- Slutty drunk girls, stop drinking!!! You’ve already had a couple of abortions and the lady at the clinic is threatening to cut you off of “morning-after” pills. When you look back at your life do you really not want to be able to remember anything because you blacked out too much? I take that back, you’ll remember the shame of waking up every Sunday morning hugging the toilet in some dude bro’s bathroom.

- Hipsters, you are not original. I’m admittedly one of you, but I know that when I go out about 15 other girls are going to be dressed just like me. I also know that though it sucks for my favorite bands to be on MTV, they wouldn’t be there if they didn’t want to be. So I live with it and move on. When I hear a 6 year old singing M.I.A. I feel a tinge of regret but remember to be happy that the kid at least has good taste.

- Hardcore kids/ straight-edge kids… Hardcore is not my style. I get it helps some kids and they love it, but it by no means gives them the right to be assholes, which in my history they sometimes are. So I don’t listen to your music. Sorry, I don’t find some guy screaming that enjoyable. The ability to be straight-edge is something I admire. However, do not judge me for drinking. I never made a promise not to do so, nor did I promise not to smoke or have sex. If you did, awesome! But I'd like to get a vodka and red bull now.

- Bike kids, the new man on the block, at least here in Orlando. You have taken over my once car ridden town and turned it into an earth-loving hippie community. Now, I am a self-professed hippie in many rights. I go to protests, was in the Conservation Club, and often wore Birkenstocks and hemp jewelry. However, bike kids are more into what kind of bike they ride and less into why it’s great that so many people are riding instead of driving. I don’t care if you ride a fixed or single speed. I don’t care how long you worked on it or what you paid for it. I just want you to stop pulling out in front of me on Orange Ave and to stop chaining your bikes up on the sidewalk outside of BBQ Bar so that my drunk ass can’t get to the car I shouldn’t be driving in the first place.

(EDIT: Certain parts of this post have been edited as they were misunderstood. For that I am sorry. It's never my intention to hurt others. I have friends that either used to fit or still fit into all of these catagories. My statements are generalizations, not geared toward the individual. I know there are amazing and kind people in all facets of life. Remember, 9/10ths of what I say is a joke. So laugh it out and have fun. If you can't laugh at yourself you shouldn't laugh at all. Also, it's my blog and my opinions, so too bad! ;])