Thursday, November 5, 2009

Recent Obsessions

1. I've been obsessed with pho as of late. I'm trying to loose weight, and homemade pho is a great way to fill up without taking in too many unwanted calories; Vegetarian and lots of spinach and mushrooms. Plus it's fucking delicious!

2. Solitaire is owning my soul. I still suck at it, but I can't seem to stop myself from playing. I really need for things to pick back up at work so I can stop.
3. I keep cracking my knuckles lately. It's a gross habit, I know. But it just feels so good...
4. Straight people have gay crushes. Gay people have straight crushes. This is mine for the time being. And yes, it's all Twilight's fault.
5. I forgot how good this can feel. Let's just hope I make it past chapter 3. I have enough barely started musings sitting on my desktop already.
6. I cannot, I will not, stop listening to The Avett Brothers new album. I recommend you get it if you have not already.

That my dear friends is my life for the past few months in a nutshell. Besides fixing up those tables, which I promise to post about soon, and catching up with old friends, life has been somewhat boring; Enough so that craking knuckles is an appropriate thing to post about. Though I will say that seeing some of my old friends has made me rather nostalgic as of late. But that is a whole other post that hopefully, when I'm a little less consumed by the effects, I will tell you all about.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Some things you may or may not know about me...

1. I suck at Solitaire. Really, I fucking stink at it. I might win one out of every 15 games, but I still keep trying.
2. I love folk/alt. country music, but I rarely listen to it in front of other people because most people I hang out with don't.
3. If someone moves away, I think of the person as if they had died. I'm still not sure if this makes it easier or harder.
4. I'm overly stubborn, but I hate fighting so I'll eventually give in. But I'll still steam about you being wrong for days to come.
5. I like really salty food. If it's not salty, it has no flavor.
6. I take comfort in the repetative. I'll tap off beats in rhythm for hours before I realize what I'm doing. Toe, toe, thumb, toe...
7. I miss the desks at my highschool because I haven't been able to really crack my back since I graduated.
8. I'm terrified of growing old.
9. The world I create inside my mind is better than what I see in front of me. So I prefer to live in my head most days.
10. I hate bread.
11. I play with tape all day long at work.
12. I'm always cold. Always...
13. I'm always worried I'm going to fall down stairs. So I never look up when I'm walking down them. I think I'd loose my balance if I did.
14. I like reading every billboard I pass while driving.
15. I like corny romance movies and novels.
16. I like the smell of skunks and gasoline.
17. I grind my teeth when I'm sleeping.
18. I pluck my eybrows on the daily.
19. I love making lists and organizing.
20. When I get bored I tend to get angry.
21. I always get something stuck in my teeth after eating.
22. I hate my back.
23. Whenever I make a phone call I get really nervous.
24. When I was 12 I dreamed about being 20. Now that I'm 24, I dream about being 12.
25. I take most things for granted until they're gone.